The Winterbourne Stoke barrows represent the Pleiades and Stonehenge marks on the ground the 'x' star that marks the spot. The meaning of Stonehenge appears to be the representation of the star very near the Pleiades stars... the star of the 'gods' of the ancients so to speak... flesh and blood visitors... also tied in to our ancestors who were mistakenly worshipped as 'gods'.
I have identified the meaning of the Cursus. (see images below). The Cursus represents the ecliptic, the path of our Sun... Why?
The reason is clear... Only a short portion of the ecliptic was celebrated. Both the Stonehenge causeway alignment and the Winterbourne Stoke wall alignments isolate a 'sacred' small portion of the ecliptic... they are most likely celebrating the rising of our Sun, with the Pleiades on one special day, then a few days apart, the ultimate celebration, the rising of the Sun-like star with our Sun viewed from Stonehenge!
The two alignments are without doubt a few degrees different to each other and here is where it makes most sense.
I am convinced the reason for this Sunrise with sacred star celebration is the ancients way of trying to emphasize THE MEANING of the star maps - to acknowledge the 'Sun' of our ancestors, which is LIKE our 'Sun'. A Sun-like star solution. Yes one cannot see both Sun and stars at the same time, but their once very advanced star watchers as well as our modern astronomers would easily decipher the meaning.
The oblong/rectangular-shaped barrow near Winterbourne Stoke has an important solution since publishing my book. It is in the exact position correlating with another important Sun-like star that is now important to include and compare to the Templars and Freemason secrets... THREE Sun-like stars as a grouping... A Trinity.
It mirrors an important Mars oval shaped anomaly. This 'extra' anomaly was excluded in my book because it complicated an already difficult story to follow, and it seemed too close for comfort to the Freemason star map which in 2002, (at the time of publishing, before the Da Vinci code book made its mark) seemed too risky to be writing about. The correlation match also closely resembles the Tikal historical site in Guatemala.
The third mystery anomaly here is in a historically protected piece of woodland in the lower portion of the image above, matching the position of the D&M pyramid in the Mars star map. I am appealing to anyone visiting the site (before my next trip) to take look there. There are a few mounds here but I have heard one of them that is completely overgrown with trees has an odd shape. See website contact link.
What interests me here are the boundary lines of the farms which
seem parallel or set along what appear to be ancient alignment walls
between the three important sites. See the white alignment lines and
note also how the motorway is parallel to what apparently was once
the ancient road that passed through the middle of both Winterbourne
and Stonehenge.