Over the recent span of time on this planet, 7 of the world's most domineering 'seven churches' or perhaps better defined as seven religions have been:
By numbers the seven religions all have well over 100 million followers. It is crucial that all seven remain respectful to one another and exercise greater privacy and restraint when it comes to the expression of their belief differences, if we are to have peace in the world.
However, the most intensive of the seven domineering religions with the most sensitive and often opposing/differing beliefs, many also at war, will be coined as the 'big 4' religions seen below. These 4 seem to have also fought over the star map and separated it into 4 pieces as you see in the image above. Mouse over the image for the decoded complete 'MAP OF HEAVEN'.
Chinese 'Folk religion' is a complex contender however it has too many differing variants depending on area, hence its unusual 'composite' name suggests ref.
But all of the variants carry a fundamental star ancestor tone. Scholars say the sacred star area is the Big Dipper in this regard, just like scholars claimed for Egypt.
But we now know the constellations shapes of Pleiades and the Big Dipper are very close and possibly confused, and maybe not by accident. I can assure readers the Pleiades play a massive part in Chinese history.
Here is the Chinese star map theory that is identical to what you are about to read on the other religions.
In this Wikipedia link , click the religious icon for the Han dynasty which is described as another cosmic cross pattern. The Chinese also have the cosmic Dragon more on record than all the others. They call Orion the 'Shen' which means 3 stars, coincidently the same name in Egypt for the 'star gate' device that uses the cosmic dragon/serpent as I found in my most recent breakthrough work
All of the 'big four' appear to have split up and share one piece of 'The Map of Heaven' star map. This information is so controversial and life changing it will interest even the most sceptical of readers!
All four appear to have replaced their ancient veneration of deities as ancestors from a 'SUN' placed in the area of the 'COSMIC BULL' and began with new and completely opposing doctrines which was when war escalated to that which we still see festering until today.
There are many clues we will explore such as worldwide stone carvings, architecture, astronomical charts, stories in documents, and cylinder seals that we will compare and question.
The 'big four' religions of four historical monarchies appeared to retain the very same 'cosmic bull' knowledge foundation in their sacred records BUT most it you will now see was secretly encoded. Was this for elite monarchy eyes only or for seekers to decode themselves?
Each iconic piece of 'the puzzle' became a representation symbol for their religion.
Each symbol can be seen in the above image in mouseover action for more explanation. Each Icon is only complete with the other in a full star map interpretation that we will now explore.
The most amazing knowledge is: Only when all four icons are pieced together, can a complete cosmic message be decoded. This is so life changing for people of any of these religions to witness and to see something very life changing. What they are displaying in symbol is the place in the cosmos where their deities and angels come from. In the many repeating cases of 'the hidden records' star maps I convincingly and measurably found each civilisation of these areas place the proverbial 'X' that marks the spot where these deities come from. But there is more because all their records insist ALL human races have these deities as their ancestors. It all points to the unthinkable... ALL humanity is an 'alien' lineage... ALL of us are of a 'sacred' bloodline!
New evidence shows Hindu records of the first lineage of Brahma ref , of a heavenly Trinity was not just coincidently the shortened word for Abraham which Judaism, Christianity and Islam all share, it may be, that we all the very same 'arrival lineage' records ref. Mouse over the image to preview that which is about to be revealed in this paper.