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The Alpha Omega Taurus Star Gate' - 2024 HARDCOVER
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In my drive to save the forests while trying to generate crucial funding for my quest, I offer all three of my books as full colour eBooks in one special promotion single order as seen in the image. Atlantis 333 page colour edition now 2024 updated with stop press 2024 added shocking developments including the alien message calculation identifying now Armageddon timeline for 19 Feb 2024 which came to pass. On this day the Hague hearing set the entire world against Israel and USA setting their WW3 Ramadan objective deadlines on. For the price of an average hard copy full colour book, you get all three! We will send you all three usually within a 48hr window. Check your email spam folder as there will be three large 20 mb files attached.
Send any amount above $19 or the USD equivalent to my co-writer Birgitt Lederer’s Paypal account thrbooks.org@gmail.com and use the reference comment: “eBooks”.
We’ll then send the 3 eBooks to your email address. By default any $19 donor will be recognized as an eBook order.
To get the full set of 3 eBooks over 3 months. Join my patreon quest and commit to a minimum $7 a month. In Month one, I’ll send you the first title (your choice); in month two the second title, in month three the third title.
When you’ve taken receipt of all three eBooks to the total value of $21… it is completely okay to end the support pledge.
Of course, I’m hopeful that after reading the books’ sacred content you’ll be inspired to stay on.
We have launched the 333 page full colour edition at last. The FULL COLOUR eBook through our exclusive seller (not amazon for now) will be identical content.
It explores the beginnings of humanity and breaks new boundaries so we can fully understand the hidden records of humanity... the cosmogenesis of our beginnings.
I set out to prove a powerful historical claim already made in 1928 for the very same site that did not previously convince scholars it was Atlantis. I corroborate and add a lot more to this author's findings and verify what seems to be the first place of advanced human colonisation on earth.
'Herschel's Atlantis - Countdown to the return of The Ancients' completes a very complex bigger story.
While the world counted down and waited for a cosmic messenger event in 2012, fulfilling the writings recorded in the Mayan calendar, the unexpected happened. We may have had a cosmic visitor event that went unnoticed telling us the real date of arrival. Literally overnight sometime in 2011, an alien 'artifact' was discovered with a message with the visitors' identity and place of origin and an encoded future date. This occurred during one of the busiest moments the US Navy had with UFO encounters.
Atlantis is most likely the first place on earth and it is a massive piece of the hidden records of life on earth. The chronology of how, where and when can only be justified in a book because of its expansiveness. What happened in our solar system when earth was seen as the planet of the apes? When its naturally-evolved dominant hominid Neanderthal was robbed of its destiny around 17,000 years ago?
Our solar system experienced a massive alien invasion. Two planets were colonised by our human-genus ancestors who evolved somewhere else and very far away, but within the same radiant Tree of Life universal-code-of-life blueprint . They built their first civilisation cities with the cosmic template... a star map defining who they are and where they come from. They also colonised Mars with the same city of Cydonia layout plan.
Earth had an island continent that Plato explained had many features, all of which only a book can do justice to. Then a cataclysmic event occured in our solar system. Meteor fragments destroyed Mars, while earth had a fragment hit the North Pole. Yes, ground zero for what caused the event known as the Biblical Flood has been found. But what does this all count down to reveal? These life-changing possibilities need to be seen. Because time is running out. Will this book be removed from trading due to the forbidden content it reveals? Get your copy fast in case this all fades away silently into the night.
Will the new discovery proving the canals, how the island was once transformed to where it is today, the smoking gun impact event that caused it all and the massive foundation ruins be enough new evidence to convince the world of the truth?
Credits - References - Copyright - General summary
of ancient alien star maps proving star ancestor human origins explored in The Hidden Records
book by Wayne Herschel.
A Pleiades and Orion correlating pyramid star map interpretation was published in 1997 newspapers, followed by a Carte Blanche TV documentary in 2002 now on youtube. The Hidden Records book by Wayne Herschel released in 2003. (See book synopsis on website for more detail of The Hidden Records). There is a Pleiades correlation with Cydonia Mars, Stonehenge and Tikal and his new 2021 published Atlantis discovery show the same for Atlantis in Donana Spain. The site of an alien crop circle message with swastika and cross. The ancient alien human origin theory by Wayne Herschel claims humanity replaced Neanderthal. The ancient star maps of Orion and Pleiades correlation including three sunlike stars are all Wayne Herschel's copyright protected discoveries.