If anything, what you are about to witness will challenge your personal belief system, but rest assured, there is a strong probability that in time these findings will even meld with your own religion. In a nutshell, the truth emerging so far will not only elevate the reality of a Universal Creator to a higher and more pure human uplifting outcome, it stands a chance of uniting all traditions in every nation who actually share different pieces of this encoded puzzle. This possibility seems to be something our world super power elite would not find in their best interests at all as it will begin to work against their tactics, supporting their insatiable craving for ever bigger profiteering from chaos, religious differences and war.
With the tablets exposed only weeks ago, some forgeries conveniently made their appearance too and just about every religious denomination or scholars tied to religious networks have attacked all the codices as fakes because of a few. I believe this attack and appearance of fake books was fueled mainly by the revelation of what is found on the real codicies. One wonders perhaps if these forgeries were commissioned by the powers that be to publicise news releases that are well supported by scholars, running a campaign that ALL the metal books are forgeries when only a few have been identified.
David Elkington has said the copper books need to be watched acrefully, some might be reproduced by the Bedouin truck driver who had his hands on originals and some might be completely fabricated. The Bedouine truck driver in the media coverage from the Daily Mail was involved with holding some of the artifacts. David suggested media be weary of all the copper books and rather focus on the lead books for one main reason... it is almost impossible to reproduce the age appearance on the lead books but copper is much easier to artificially oxidise. All the claims of fakes are focused on three copper versions. I have displayed only one copper version below for one very important reason... it appears to be a duplicate of an original that is very important.
To monitor the developments that have come from scientific tests, go to the Wikipedia link above, which is being updated regularly by the highest ranks of their team. (See latest update at the top of this page proving the metal books are real). This attack on the metal book codices is to be expected, because the contents seen so far after only eight plates of the vast collection having been revealed, challenges the very core of what they have believed by virtue of the religions and traditions handed down to them. There are 70 books each comprising between 5 to 10 pages. This means that another 600 or so plates have yet to be revealed.
My Biography
Why should anybody believe my interpretations on these important records? My claims compared to historians head in a new direction in one very big way, and it all started from one tiny common symbol. One primary and most important symbol of all, the symbol that has been forgotten in history also has a famous fiction author interested in it too... The Ra symbol... the circumpunct.
In 1997 I found a tomb in Egypt that proved the unthinkable... it was the Senmut tomb and one of the highlights in my book The Hidden Records. I realised something important...
The ancients revered a Sun...
BUT... it was not OUR Sun...
... it is another Sun!
The 'gods' of the ancients appear to be flesh and blood star visitors associated with another star system, near the Pleiades constellation and other ancient civilisations all over the world had the same obsession.
I have made measurable breakthroughs in symbology, where reasoning and statistics of the multiple repeats of my claim favours a completely new interpretation of the symbols in question.
It appears we were never ever alone in this universe and we are the descendants of star visitors.
This interpretation is in complete opposition to what scholars traditionally believe. See my new symbol interpretations that bring clarity to the mystery
I believe the claims by the ancient scribes who wrote all the sacred texts, more often than not subjectively, are nevertheless real claims since what they claim is in essence similar on a global basis. They are real claims and THEY DID NOT LIE. Scholars believe they lied. Therefore since UFOs and aliens did not exist officially up until last week, (see below) to some scholars it was a cult belief, to others they have chosen to interpret what the scribes have written in a way that was still palatable within people’s scope of belief based on tradition.
My journey so far in releasing sensitive material that was previously regarded as forbidden is obviously not in the best interests of these very influential echelons of society that believe this information should remain hidden, especially those of the Jewish community. My name is being “Googlebombed” and associated with the word “hoax” by a Google hosted “blogger” webring owned by the two friends Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The impersonation of my website with my name is in complete violation of Google’s terms of usage according to hosting conditions and even with multiple reports of abuse made and my correspondence continually fall on deaf ears and it remains active. It is therefore the assumption that the abuse of my name is in the best interests of the Google owners. This impersonating ‘Wayne Herschel’ blog has the complete makings of a ‘Googlebomb’. It links in multiple ways to the renowned disinformation activists and more specifically to the UFO disinformation ATS website. Here the ATS website hosts over 800 pages of nonsense using the word hoax hundreds of times with my name.
I urge readers to challenge two critical things. Firstly, my approach and secondly why should you consider reading on. Who I am can largely be extrapolated from my life’s work “The Hidden Records”, which is an utterly different take to anything reasoned so far on humanity’s origins here on earth based on sound research. Why you should consider reading on is that everything in my book is corroborated here. Secondly, because the earth shattering claims in my book that have been dismissed as “impossible” because scholars have traditionally followed an official government protocol. “That we are officially alone in the universe until further notice”. This protocol can now be rewritten with the latest breaking news from cables released by the FBI in which it undeniably commits to the existence of aliens and UFOs – hence extraterrestrial life and that we are not alone.
Its important to mention this UFO analysis protocol right now... the subject was officially denied previously but something wonderful is happening, perhaps by force, and its perfect timing for what follows because the contents of the metal books ties the subject of celestial visitors ... star visitors to The Christ story in a massive way. The elitist powers that be have found a way to launch disclosure officially, and without much media fanfare and to prevent embarrassment for hiding all records on the UFO/alien subject to date. Perhaps because they know what is soon about to begin in our skies. Disclosure of this info was promised by Barack Obama before entering into office and it has happened so controversially that no big media are comfortable about the way that it has unfolded.
Source: it is an FBI website that released a cable by an agent employed by the FBI (Agent Hottel). The cable is on the report for attention of the highest level protocol i.e. to FBI head authority the first director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover. The cable states that a flying saucer craft (disc shaped) had crashed in Roswell, with its dead occupants who had similar appearance to humans BUT... WERE ONLY 3FT TALL and were wearing silver body suits.
Conclusion: The highest level FBI document by a government FBI agent of highest priority status on the highest level government FBI website. The FBI released the cables followed by a disclaimer several days later. The disclaimer ‘indemnifies’ it from this being an official proof of anything by virtue of the ‘fact’ that they do not have original copies. Furthermore, the story supposedly launched April-the-First to scare off any prime media from covering the story. However, some prime media have begun to accept this cable 2 weeks later as proof and here are the links.
FBI website Roswell crash cables and others
UK Telegraph
So what makes my research and work so different or worthy of cracking the code on these books... who am I? I have something very unique about my past. I had a near-death experience in a motorcycle accident in early adulthood and had an out-of-body event 'OBE' at which time I believe I came back with more than I left with... I believe I had a God experience.
I am absolutley certain I had an encounter with the light at the centre of the universe that fits the legend of the Cosmic Tree of Life. It was a life-changing experience, which compelled me to dedicate my life to this important human uplifting truth, reviving a treasure trove of lost sacred records of our past to prove the reality not only of our origins here on earth but where we go in the afterlife. I also make the important aspects free to all that seek it. This website carries the human genus origins and all the spiritual hidden records are here at oneism.org
The ancient records I have studied clearly show that most works considered sacred have been altered by human hand as time marched forward. The originals differed from the more recent translated records, most likely inspired by the interfering powers of kingships over the ages that prospered on religious differences. Why? Because they depended on the profits and ‘success’ of building war machines to conquer new lands, kill those that are foreign, rape their woman, enslave their children and steal their gold.
All religions appear to be quite accurate in general basis claiming we were placed on this Earth, literally invading the planet of the apes, the world of the Neanderthal who became extinct at the same time humanity flourished globally in a big way 10 000 years ago. But having said that the science of evolution is also a fact. How is it possible both statements could be right? That is why there is a clear missing link in evolution between ape and man. The records so far suggest the unthinkable for many: That our ancestors evolved somewhere else before arriving here.
Our ancestors were Aliens of the human genus that invaded the planet of the Neanderthal ape, and we are their descendants. Chronology
In what follows in this unveiling of hidden records, consider whether it would be less wonderful if angels were real flesh and blood visitors and the possibility that our scribes from ancient civilisations may at first have worshipped the visitors as gods… then later as angels. The outcome of my study on ancient civilisations suggests that all the holy books’ earliest records were real encounters, but altered over time by the rulers in power who felt their best interests may not necessarily be served by everyone being privy to this knowledge. At times these records were even romanticised, for example by adding birds wings to the visitors to teach that they had the ability to fly. It might have been a good allegory then but it certainly does not work today.
One can reason the logic of the need in eras gone by of ambitious rulers wanting to encode some of the texts that could only be identified by his chosen elite. Some of this encoded text can still be easily deciphered today and contains references to the heavenly star secret of Bethlehem. It is important to note that this is the very same star in the recent “Judas Codex” of the televised documentary in which Judas is told by The Christ to follow this star because it is also “his” star. It is the Star of David and of King Solomon and it appears to be the star and Crescent of the land of Sumer that has been included as an icon for many Middle Eastern empires.
The time has come to evaluate the hidden records of the metal Jordanian Codices but incorporating the new parameters without which, none of what they depict would make any sense:
• We are not alone in this universe
• The ancients never lied
• The details of this cosmic pattern are found in virtually the beginnings of ALL civilisations.
This particular metal plate was covered in a news release by The Telegraph, click here. It speaks of David Elkington’s amazing story, which sounds as exciting as the DaVinci Code epic. This small credit-card sized plate has only one theme and it is told in two ways. Scholars agree it was an identification plate carried by a person who would want to be able to conceal it due to its size and produce it to show he was a member of lets say… a secret society. It was secret because any person found delving into beliefs outside the traditional religion of the day would be sentenced to death as a heretic.